all postcodes in SN1 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN1 4AB 17 51.552559 -1.775793
SN1 4AL 0 51.552576 -1.775259
SN1 4AH 0 51.552725 -1.782787
SN1 4AN 19 51.552334 -1.775866
SN1 4AS 12 51.552419 -1.777813
SN1 4AU 3 51.552434 -1.781015
SN1 4AX 0 51.552162 -1.784535
SN1 4AY 3 51.552611 -1.784046
SN1 4BA 5 51.552853 -1.779369
SN1 4BB 4 51.551661 -1.776331
SN1 4BD 7 51.552014 -1.77727
SN1 4BG 9 51.55053 -1.777303
SN1 4BH 9 51.550566 -1.776816
SN1 4BJ 5 51.551843 -1.776982
SN1 4BL 0 51.5522 -1.776213
SN1 4BP 1 51.552725 -1.778086
SN1 4BQ 2 51.549675 -1.776875
SN1 4BY 1 51.549587 -1.778173
SN1 4BZ 0 51.550676 -1.778644
SN1 4DA 0 51.550632 -1.779221